Have It All with a Strategic Schedule

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It’s that time of year, January, a fresh start, another chance to become who we have always wanted to be.  For the past few months, I have been focused on creating structure for a smoother new year.  I want to do and be everything life demands of me, and I want to do it better than ever.  The family life, the social life, the career, traveling, working out, pampering myself, playing piano, these are all the things I want to spend my time on.  As a mother of two, 1 & 3 year olds, I have less time than ever. I’ve realized the ONLY way to live a fulfilling life and see success across the board, is to get organized.  

Over the past few months I have been studying productivity, routines, scheduling, routines, budgets, and, did I say routines? It’s the ONLY way to set yourself up for success. Writing the plan isn’t easy, it’s tedious, but it’s transformative. I totally nerded out and thought it was fun. I became obsessed with optimization in every aspect of our lives.  Enforcing my work hours, identifying priorities, facing challenges with determination, and being a good Mommy with a plan, and a backup plan.  Preparation is key; picking out clothes the night before, menu planning for the week, date night dinner reservations, arranging childcare & activities.  Breakfast prepped, kitchen cleaned, and diaper bag stocked, every night.  

Look at a typical day in your life and ask yourself, how can you make things easier?

The first step is very personal, identify your priorities. I won’t get into this much, but we all need to identify what we should spend our time doing, what we want to spend our time doing, and our current pain points.  What’s preventing you from living more seamlessly? What are the regular frustrations you face on a daily basis? Identify and resolve fearlessly.

Write it down, start your plan.

Don’t forget to acknowledge & appreciate all the good things that are happening too!

The truth is, you can do it all, just not at the same time.  You can have it all, one step at a time. 


Here is a simplified version of the work/life balance system I’ve created for myself that has changed my life.

Weekly Schedule

M – 




(10-5) entertainment: filming, auditions, castings, submissions 

T – 


  frittata with veggies 

  mommy’s day with both babes! nanny day off.

  kids activity

 family night walk, frozen convenient food for dinner in wagon 

W – 


  waffle wednesdays (fresh from the freezer)

 (yogurt with berries & granola for me.) 


(10-5) writing wednesdays:: blog, episodes, books

  mommy makes nice family dinner, sometimes 2-4 guests.

Th – 


oatmeal/parfait/chia pudding


self care (Korean spa, nails, bath, facial, shave legs, nap, etc.)

  kids classes (mommy & me)

  date night 

F – 

  workout (depending on date night outcome, haha)

sh!t on toast


(10-5) entrepreneurial work 

 takeout for Dinner 

Sa – 


  mommy/daddy day – This is when I meal plan, go grocery shopping, work on house to-do’s, and have lunch with my husband.

Su – 

  make breakfast as family 

  family funday! nanny day off. 

I’ve even taken it further than a weekly routine and created a monthly social schedule that amazes me! I feel balanced & fulfilled, that’s the whole point.

Monthly Social Schedule

1st Friday – Family Dinner at Restaurant 

2nd Wednesday – Host Family/Friend Game Night or Craft Night

2nd Friday- Girls Night Out 

3rd Thursday – Sister Date 

3rd Saturday -Seasonal Celebration (Recipe Testing for Friends!)

4th Friday – Have Friends Over For Movie/Pizza/Popcorn Night

Last Sunday – Parent/Kid Dates 

(We rotate; Daddy/Daughter, Mommy/Son, Daddy/Son, Mommy/Daughter)

Sundays –  Family funday! nanny day off.

Tuesdays – Mommy’s Day! nanny day off.

                    Valentina Class

                    Family night walk, dinner in the wagon.

Thursdays –Romeo Class

                     Date Night

I hope this will help someone out there who is trying to figure out how to fit all of life’s demands and desires into our daily lives.

Let me know what you think 🙂